Monday, December 19, 2011


Abraham Lincoln is one of my favorite American presidents and personalities to study. I was reading his March 9, 1832 Address to the People of Sangamon County. In reading that written speech one learns that Lincoln had a strong view that every person should receive a moderate education. His reasoning was so that every person would be able to do three things:
1.    Read the histories of his own and other countries.
2.    To appreciate the value of our free institutions.
3.    To experience advantages and satisfactions to be derived from being able to read the Scriptures, and other works of a religious and moral nature.
As you can imagine, it was number 3 that really caught my attention. I would say that all of us have received a “moderate education.” I am wondering if we fully “experience the advantages and satisfactions” that come with reading such material?
Being able to read the Scripture for ourselves and interpret them faithfully because of such attention to reading is a blessing beyond comparison! Historically, generations before us did not have that privilege. Only after the printing press, the work of Martin Luther, and the translating of Scripture into current languages did such privilege become commonplace for nearly everyone.
This coming year, we want to encourage one another to become involved in the E-100 Bible Reading program. 50 Passages from the Old Testament and 50 passages from the New Testament have been selected as essential ones to read in order to gain a broad, comprehensive view of the Bible.
Each week I will print in the bulletin and the Sunday morning Worship Assembly Bulletin both readings for the upcoming week. The first reading assignment for the week of January 2-8 is #1—[Creation] Genesis 1:1-2:25;    #51—[The Word Became Flesh] John 1:1-18.
     If you need a bookmark for your Bible, see me Sunday and I can make sure you get one. You may also want to get a journal to take notes on  your reading for this year. May God bless each one of you on this journey!

In Christian love, Curtis

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